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  4. Chapter 65: Confession坦白

Chapter 65: Confession坦白(2 / 2)

a chord in his heart, kin hifeel all kinds of discoort. It was as if she had seen throuh hi understood all his previous thouhts, and her words left hifeelin ashad and speechless.


"Why have you never co here? Because you look down on people like us, despisin what we are doin for a livin frothe bottoof your heart. Love is like a rae or a reflection in the water, as soft as cotton. It see beautiful, but it cannot withstand the harshness of reality. So, youn ster, we are not suitable for each other. You and I are people frotwo different worlds, and we shouldn''''t have any interaction."


"I sread you at first. I thouht you were just pretendin to be noble in order to ain attention."


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