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  3. 首辅之妻中英对照版
  4. Chapter 50: Fourth Meet

Chapter 50: Fourth Meet(1 / 2)

Becon an official is easy, but it''''s challenin to be a ood one. It''''s even harder to be a ood official who serves the country and the people.


As an official, If you want to et by, that''''s easy too.


You just need to oppress your subordinates and bribe your superiors.


The ap between people in this society is enorus. So people are very youn, but they can pick and choose whether or not to beco officials or what kind of officials to beco. They y obtain an official position, but they feel it is consuble. They want a bier platforand dare to create a better torrow!


While soone of the sa ae struled to et a overnnt position but found it tasteless later, it was a pity that they could only corose and ke their life et by with it.


Ability deternes options, and ability restricts choices. In ny cases, the ability does deterne everythin!


The capable ones are full of sprin breeze, with hih spirits, while the incapable ones silently endure, wastin their ti, and ultitely end up with the four words of bein disheartened and disappointed.


The difference between people is like heaven and earth, and one''''s destiny is predeterned.


She never believes in fate. That''''s why she can et where she is now.


Think about destiny and luck. Althouh Destiny is fixed, luck can be achieved throuh hard work.她一直认为命运命运,一个人的命虽然是天注定的,而运是可以靠自己努力去争取的。

But even thouh she has worked so hard until now, she believes that she is not worthless, has so achievents, and her

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