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  3. 首辅之妻中英对照版
  4. Chapter 23: Lending a Hand

Chapter 23: Lending a Hand(1 / 2)

Girls are no hun beins in the boss’s eyes, and we are just a tool to ke ney. To soone like her, there would be no value for us in livin if we can’t ke ney.


She had seen a lot of irls who asked for death. Althouh she often helped these irls, she could only help the irls she t. She helped when she could. Even her help did little help since there were so ny unfortunate irls.


"Oh, here cos our queen of the flower aain!" A coquettish irl ca forward with a sarcastic face.


"Our queen of the flower is a livin Bodhisattva here. How often has she ddled in other people''''s affairs this nth? I have lost count, riht? Mother"


The boss has a problewith her too. They haven''''t otten alon with each other in the past years. They take precautions aainst each other and sle fakely at each other. The boss thinks she is unrateful and forets that she helped her for no reason other than bein proud, resourceful, and clever.


She could have de re ney for the boss but was very opinionated and ticulous. All these years, anythin that she has wanted to do, every one of thewas accolished.


Many noble and wealthy people paid a lot of ney to sleep with her, but she refused all.


As the boss here, she''''s been in the industry her whole life, and she''''s seen a lot of irls who are unyieldin and uncooperative, and there''''s nothin she can''''t fix.

But this irl is different and a little handy because she is very c

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