  1. 书趣阁
  2. 其他类型
  3. 开始于失败之时
  4. 第七十五章 只要去做

第七十五章 只要去做(1 / 2)

在书中读到:“我们要美丽的生命不断繁息,能这样,美的玫瑰才永不消亡。  既然成熟的东西都不免要谢世,优美的子孙就应当来承继芬芳:但是你跟你明亮的眼睛结了亲,把自身当柴烧,烧出了眼睛的光彩。  这就在丰收的地方造成了饥馑,你是跟自己作对,教自己受害。如今你是世界上鲜艳的珍品,只有你能够替灿烂的春天开路,你却在自己的花蕾里埋葬了自身。  温柔的怪物呵,用吝啬浪费了全部。可怜这世界吧,世界应得的东西,别让你和坟墓吞吃到一无所遗!”  “Frofairest creatures we desire increase, That thereby beauty''''s rose ht never die,  But as the riper should by ti decease, His tender heir ht bear his ry;  But thou contracted to thine own briht eyes, Feed the liht''''s fla with self-substantial fuel,  Makin a fane where abundance lies, Thyself thy foe, to thy sweet self too cruel.  Thou that art now the world''''s fresh ornant, And only herald to the audy sprin,  Within thine own bud burial thy content, And, tender churl, ke waste in stininess.  Pity the world, or else this lutton be, To eat the world''''s due, by the rave and thee.”  “我能否把你比作怡人的夏天?你比她更加可爱也更加温情。五月的娇蕾总是被狂风吹断,夏天也只是一道短暂的美景。  苍穹的目光有时会过于灼热,他金色的面庞也常黯淡无光。人间一切瑰丽终将失去秀色,湮没于不测风云和世事沧桑。  但是,你常青的夏季永不消逝,你拥有的美丽亦将永不折损,死神岂敢夸口他能把你吞噬,你将同不朽的诗句千古长存。  只要人类还在呼吸、眼睛在欣赏,我的诗就会活着,令你生命绽放。”  “Shall I coare thee to a suer''''s day? Thou art re lovely and re teerate:  Rouh winds do shake the darlin buds of May, And suer''''s lease hath all too short a date:  Soti too hot the eye of heaven shines, And often is his old colexion diand dark.  And every fair frofair soti declines, By chance or nature''''s chanin course and vicissitudes of life.  But thy eternal suer shall not fade Nor lose possession of that fair thou never break.  Nor shall Death bra thou boasted in his shade, When in eternal lines to ti thou rowin:  So lon as n can breathe or eyes can see, So lon lives this and this ives life to thee.”  “我的罪咎是爱,你的美德是憎,你憎我的罪,为了我多咎的爱:哦,你只要比一比你我的实情,就会发觉责备我多么不应该。  就算应该,也不能出自你嘴唇,因为它们亵渎过自己的口红,劫夺过别人床弟应得的租金,和我一样屡次偷订爱的假盟。  我爱你,你爱他们,都一样正当,尽管你追求他们而我讨你厌。让哀怜的种子在你心里暗长,终有天你的哀怜也得人哀怜。  假如你只知追求,自己却吝啬,你自己的榜样就会招来拒绝。”  “Love is sin and thy dear virtue hate, Hate of sin, rounded on sinful lovin:  O, but with ne coare thou thine own state, And thou shalt find it rits not reprovin;  Or,

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